Real estate professionals know the value of landscaping. Your lawn and trees can add to the appeal of your house, and raise its value. Our landscaping services could earn you money.

Landscaping services can increase your home’s curb appeal. The exterior of the house will provide a great first impression. Some fall in love with a house as soon as they enter the driveway.

But, a lawn that is in disrepair can provide the opposite effect. Potential buyers may see the outside of your home as a reflection of what is on the inside. So, if you are thinking about selling your home anytime soon, it may be beneficial to invest in landscaping services. Landscaping is often less expensive and less time-consuming than interior remodeling.

In the right market, homes that have invested in landscaping can go for up to 10% more. In many cases, homeowners can recoup the money put into their landscaping services and more. In other cases, the landscaping may be a deciding factor when a buyer is deciding between one home and another. 

Sprinkler Systems

Anything that makes lawn maintenance easier is a benefit to buyers. Having a sprinkler system installed by our landscaping company will make watering more convenient for you and any future owners. We can service and repair all types and brands of sprinkler systems in the Space Coast and Palm Bay areas. We are dedicated to maintaining your outdoor space.

Plan Your Landscaping

Many times, homeowners do not have a cohesive plan when making landscaping changes. A landscape that looks thrown-together and disorganized will turn off buyers. If you are planning on staying in the house for a long time, you will likely have a different plan than those looking to sell their house soon. If you are planning on selling soon, there are some steps that you can take now. Having a well-defined edge between the grass and dirt or mulch can give your lawn a clean and attractive look. Another idea is to start using fertilizer on your lawn. With regular fertilizer treatments, your lawn may go from patchy to uniform, lush, and thick. With our landscaping services, we can help your lawn to look its best.

It’s good to keep in mind that landscaping is an ongoing process. While spring and summer are the main homebuying seasons, people purchase homes all year. This is why it is important to have your home’s exterior looking nice year-round.

Trees Can Impact The Value Of Your Home

Happy and healthy trees can have a positive impact on your home’s appraisal. However, the value of a tree depends on many variables, including the species and condition. When a tree is unhealthy, it is important to care for it or cut it down. Trees only add value to a property when it is alive and well. We offer tree removal services as well as tree trimming services. Tree removal can be one of the most dangerous landscaping projects to complete as it poses a risk to you, your home, and your neighbors.